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Visual Representations In Primary Maths

broken image

Visual representations exist in two ontological forms. The first of these is asinternal representationswhich are the personal mentally constructions of an individual, otherwise known as mental images. The second of these is as external representations which.

By: Judy Zorfass, Angela Han, and PowerUp WHAT WORKS
Visual Representations In Primary Maths


Manipulatives are awesome, but math students need to learn to visualize what numbers mean in their heads as well. Here are four teaching strategies from experts that teach that important skill. Be Strategic About Using Manipulatives. Manipulatives really help to create a visual representation of a math concept you're teaching. 1.) Multiple Representations. Many students adopt a false idea that there is only one acceptable way to solve a math problem when, in fact, there's always several different ways to find a correct solution. By showing students multiple ways to represent concepts and solve problems, you make mathematics more accessible and equitable. Representation but also to construct, refine, and use their own representations as tools to support learning and doing mathematics. Through the middle grades, children's mathematical representations usually are about objects and actions from their direct experience. Primary school students might use objects to represent the number of wheels on. Further uses of visual representations. There are other significant uses of visual representations in mathematics. This final section briefly presents a couple of them. Although the use of diagrams in arguments in analysis faces special dangers (as noted in 3.3), the use of diagrams to illustrate symbolically presented operations can be very.

All students can benefit from using visual representations, although struggling students may require additional, focused support and practice. Visual representations are a powerful way for students to access abstract mathematical ideas. To be college and career ready, students need to be able to draw a situation, graph lists of data, or place numbers on a number line. Developing this strategy early during the elementary grades gives students tools for engaging with—and ways of thinking about—increasingly abstract concepts. Over time, they will work toward developing Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice:

  • CCSS.Math.Practice.MP2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
  • CCSS.Math.Practice.MP4 Model with mathematics.
  • CCSS.Math.Practice.MP5 Use appropriate tools strategically.


Helping students choose the 'right' visual representation often depends on content and context. In some contexts, there are multiple ways to represent the same idea. Show your students a variety of examples in order to demonstrate when (and why) they should choose each one (see UDL Checkpoint 2.5: Illustrate through multiple media). Consider how you could use the following strategies to support your students:

  • Check for understanding to determine a starting point. For example, you could ask the following questions: Why do you think that? How do you know that is correct? How does that picture represent the problem? Can you explain your answer? Is there another way you could do that?
  • Ask students about features of the visual representation (including labels and scales, when appropriate).
  • As students create visual representations, ask questions to ensure that they understand all the features of the representations. Prompt students to focus on the information the visual representations provide.
  • When possible, include alternative visual representations and discuss the similarities and differences between them.
  • Vary the shapes and orientations of representations so that students focus only on the important features as they learn about the objects and situations represented.
  • Show your students a specific representation—a graph or a table—that is missing an important feature. Ask them to identify the missing feature.

Drawing on technology tools

New technologies are constantly expanding our ability to visualize data and explain mathematical concepts. For teachers looking to incorporate technology into the classroom, using virtual manipulatives (instead of physical ones) can be a good start. Students can begin with simple graphical representations of mathematical concepts and then work toward more complex modules that require them to create the data or work within a system of rules, like a game. Infographics—visualizations that are designed to communicate complex information effectively—have become increasingly popular. They can be used to 'tell a story' with numbers, such as international democracy rankings or climate change impacts. Learning to create infographics gives students additional tools to communicate data and other quantitative information.

3D printing is a technology that, until recently, has been too expensive to make use of in a classroom. However, thanks to falling prices, they have now started to appear in high schools and it may not be long before elementary schools and middle schools also embrace this technology. 3D printing allows you to create solid, three-dimensional models from a digital design. You can explore what others have created to get a sense of what is possible. Imagine having students design and create their own mathematical models and manipulatives!

For more ideas on using technology to create visual representations, visit the Tech Matters blog or PowerUp's Pinterest page. You can also check out the 'Virtual Manipulatives' video, which supports students' use of visual representations.

In the classroom

Geometry lends itself naturally to teaching with visual representations, as can be seen in Ms. Richardson's Grade 6 class. So far, students have learned how to classify different quadrilaterals and triangles, and they are beginning to decompose polygons. They have also started using software (e.g., GeoGebra) that can support their understanding by emphasizing the connections between mathematical language and visualization.

Ms. Richardson's lesson objective is to have students decompose polygons into triangles, rectangles, and trapezoids. She will address two s Common Core State in this lesson:

  • CCSS Math 6.G.1 Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals, and polygons by composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles and other shapes; apply these techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.
  • CCSS Math MP4 Model with mathematics.

Ms. Richardson has students work on these standards within the context of a real-world example—a painting by the artist Sol LeWitt.

Sol LeWitt. Wall Drawing #1113. On a wall, a triangle within a rectangle, each with broken bands of color, 2003. Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution.

Students will build on their existing technology skills and create a model of this work, decomposing polygons and creating their own virtual LeWitt in the process. Ms. Richardson's lesson plan is organized into three sections: a warm-up exercise to review concepts, the main learning task, and a closing discussion and assessment.

Lesson plan

  • Warm up with a review problem.
  • Have students demonstrate and explain different solutions to the problem.
  • Compare and contrast students' visual representations.
  • As a class, identify additional solutions to the problem.
Learning Task
  • Introduce the learning task.
  • Connect the review problem to the real-world problem.
  • Have students begin work on the problem in pairs.
  • Circulate, listening to discussions and supporting students as necessary.
  • Have students view all the solutions during a gallery walk.
  • Lead a class discussion on students' different solutions.
  • Have each student complete an exit ticket.

Online resources for visual representations

This article draws from the PowerUp WHAT WORKS website, particularly the Visual Representations Instructional Strategy Guide. PowerUp is a free, teacher-friendly website that requires no log-in or registration. The Instructional Strategy Guide on visual representations includes a brief overview with an accompanying slide show; a list of the relevant mathematics Common Core State Standards; evidence-based teaching strategies to differentiate instruction using technology; short videos; and links to resources that will help you use technology to support mathematics instruction. If you want to dig deeper into the research foundation behind best practices in the use of virtual manipulatives, take a look at our Tech Research Brief on the topic. If you are responsible for professional development, the PD Support Materials provide helpful ideas and materials for using the resources. Want more information? See PowerUp WHAT WORKS.

Judy Zorfass, Angela Han, and PowerUp WHAT WORKS (2014)

As an educator, you probably understand the importance of diversifying your teaching materials. After all, it has been understood for a while now that many people learn differently.

In particular, visuals aids for learning can have a huge impact on how students retain information. While words can be abstract and hard to retain, visuals tend to be more concrete and easier to recall.

Plus, when information is presented visually, it's a lot more engaging!

Visual aids for learning can also expand beyond the realm of just classroom posters and presentations. You can also visually enhance documents like student progress reports, lesson plans, and research reports.

After all, teachers can get bored too, right? Vag 409.1 software.

With a beginner-friendly design tool like Venngage, creating custom visual for any topic you want to cover is easier than ever.

Here are 10 types of visual aids for learning that will engage students and help you plan and deliver lessons more effectively. I've also included some design tips to help you get started.

1. Educational posters to inspire and remind students

Educational posters are a classic teaching aid that can breathe life into a classroom. Hanging posters up on your classroom walls will not only invite color into the environment, they'll also act as helpful resources for students.

For example, here's an educational poster that you could pin up in your classroom. The three study tips on this poster are organized with a different colored background. This is a simple poster design trick to help the information stand out.

Meanwhile, this educational poster uses icons to visualize each different type of learner. A poster with this layout this can be useful for introducing students to new or foreign concepts (for example, words in a secondary language) because they can associate each word with a visual.

2. Educational infographics to simplify complex information

Infographics are a perfect classroom tool because they can make complex information easier to understand.

Visual Representations In Primary Maths Grade 8

There are many different types of infographics you can create, depending on the information you want to visualize. For example, you could make an infographic to summarize a new topic, to show a timeline of events, to visualize statistics, to explain a process–and more.

For example, this educational infographic uses a combination of charts, icons and creative text to show statistics about teens and social media. Visuals aids like these can be helpful for students who have trouble wrapping their heads around big numbers.

The cool thing about infographics is that there's so many approaches you can take to create one. And the design doesn't have to be complicated–just effective.

For example, this infographic uses a pattern graphic design of colorful circles to represent different vitamins. Associating each vitamin with a color can help students remember each one.

In data visualization, color plays a bigger role than just for decoration. Color can also be used as a tool to visualize information. Check out our guide to using colors to communicate effectively.

3. Creative presentations to keep students engaged with a lesson

We've all sat through boring presentations before. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you don't want to be the one delivering a boring presentation!

A creative presentation template can go a long way to keep your students from snoring in the middle of class. For starters, introduce bright colors and creative fonts into your slide design. You can also combine photos, charts and icons to illustrate concepts.

For example, this creative presentation uses a bold color palette that give each slide impact:

The combination of a script font with a more modern font helps makes for an interesting and unexpected design. Simple tricks like mixing and matching styles (as long as they're complementary) can go a long way in your presentation design.

Presenting information in a creative and visually-stimulating way can help get students excited about a topic. This presentation template uses image frames to seamlessly incorporate different pictures of foods into each slide design:

We have a tutorial for using image frames in your design, which you can access here.

4. Educational charts to make data accessible

Simple charts are another great visual aid for learning. They can make data more approachable, and can also help reveal the stories behind data.

Look for opportunities to present information visually in your presentations, handouts, and reports, and find a chart that fits that type of information. For example, a classic pyramid chart is effective for visualizing a topic in different levels:

Charts are also handy tools for analyzing processes. There are plenty of opportunities for you to include engaging visuals in your staff presentations, personal research, and more.

For example, a common problem that many teachers face is negotiating budgets for their curriculums, programs, and resources. Well-designed visuals can help you make a good case for your budget requests.

Check out our guide for choosing the best charts for your data.

5. Student assessment reports with an approachable design


Since tracking students' progress is an important part of a teacher's job, why not make your student assessment reports more engaging with a creative design?

Younger students at the preschool or elementary school level can find assessments particularly stressful. A fun and playful design can help make a student progress report appear less intimidating.

For example, this progress report template uses a rainbow color palette, with star pictograms representing their grades:

You can also help students and parents understand their progress better by summarizing their progress in a chart. For example, this chart template uses a combination of a pie chart and some simple icons to highlight the main educational areas the student is being assessed on.

6. Classroom checklists to keep students, teachers and parents on track

A simple checklist can be a great tool to have in the classroom. From classroom duties to assignments for the semester, there are a lot of things that students need to keep track of.

Adding visual aids to your checklists can help make the points on the list easier to remember. For example, this simple checklist infographic uses icons and a different color for each point:

A visual checklist can also be useful for staff members, to help them remember tasks or best practices. For example, this checklist template offers tips to guide new teaching assistants:

7. Research reports to make data and insights engaging



Manipulatives are awesome, but math students need to learn to visualize what numbers mean in their heads as well. Here are four teaching strategies from experts that teach that important skill. Be Strategic About Using Manipulatives. Manipulatives really help to create a visual representation of a math concept you're teaching. 1.) Multiple Representations. Many students adopt a false idea that there is only one acceptable way to solve a math problem when, in fact, there's always several different ways to find a correct solution. By showing students multiple ways to represent concepts and solve problems, you make mathematics more accessible and equitable. Representation but also to construct, refine, and use their own representations as tools to support learning and doing mathematics. Through the middle grades, children's mathematical representations usually are about objects and actions from their direct experience. Primary school students might use objects to represent the number of wheels on. Further uses of visual representations. There are other significant uses of visual representations in mathematics. This final section briefly presents a couple of them. Although the use of diagrams in arguments in analysis faces special dangers (as noted in 3.3), the use of diagrams to illustrate symbolically presented operations can be very.

All students can benefit from using visual representations, although struggling students may require additional, focused support and practice. Visual representations are a powerful way for students to access abstract mathematical ideas. To be college and career ready, students need to be able to draw a situation, graph lists of data, or place numbers on a number line. Developing this strategy early during the elementary grades gives students tools for engaging with—and ways of thinking about—increasingly abstract concepts. Over time, they will work toward developing Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice:

  • CCSS.Math.Practice.MP2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively.
  • CCSS.Math.Practice.MP4 Model with mathematics.
  • CCSS.Math.Practice.MP5 Use appropriate tools strategically.


Helping students choose the 'right' visual representation often depends on content and context. In some contexts, there are multiple ways to represent the same idea. Show your students a variety of examples in order to demonstrate when (and why) they should choose each one (see UDL Checkpoint 2.5: Illustrate through multiple media). Consider how you could use the following strategies to support your students:

  • Check for understanding to determine a starting point. For example, you could ask the following questions: Why do you think that? How do you know that is correct? How does that picture represent the problem? Can you explain your answer? Is there another way you could do that?
  • Ask students about features of the visual representation (including labels and scales, when appropriate).
  • As students create visual representations, ask questions to ensure that they understand all the features of the representations. Prompt students to focus on the information the visual representations provide.
  • When possible, include alternative visual representations and discuss the similarities and differences between them.
  • Vary the shapes and orientations of representations so that students focus only on the important features as they learn about the objects and situations represented.
  • Show your students a specific representation—a graph or a table—that is missing an important feature. Ask them to identify the missing feature.

Drawing on technology tools

New technologies are constantly expanding our ability to visualize data and explain mathematical concepts. For teachers looking to incorporate technology into the classroom, using virtual manipulatives (instead of physical ones) can be a good start. Students can begin with simple graphical representations of mathematical concepts and then work toward more complex modules that require them to create the data or work within a system of rules, like a game. Infographics—visualizations that are designed to communicate complex information effectively—have become increasingly popular. They can be used to 'tell a story' with numbers, such as international democracy rankings or climate change impacts. Learning to create infographics gives students additional tools to communicate data and other quantitative information.

3D printing is a technology that, until recently, has been too expensive to make use of in a classroom. However, thanks to falling prices, they have now started to appear in high schools and it may not be long before elementary schools and middle schools also embrace this technology. 3D printing allows you to create solid, three-dimensional models from a digital design. You can explore what others have created to get a sense of what is possible. Imagine having students design and create their own mathematical models and manipulatives!

For more ideas on using technology to create visual representations, visit the Tech Matters blog or PowerUp's Pinterest page. You can also check out the 'Virtual Manipulatives' video, which supports students' use of visual representations.

In the classroom

Geometry lends itself naturally to teaching with visual representations, as can be seen in Ms. Richardson's Grade 6 class. So far, students have learned how to classify different quadrilaterals and triangles, and they are beginning to decompose polygons. They have also started using software (e.g., GeoGebra) that can support their understanding by emphasizing the connections between mathematical language and visualization.

Ms. Richardson's lesson objective is to have students decompose polygons into triangles, rectangles, and trapezoids. She will address two s Common Core State in this lesson:

  • CCSS Math 6.G.1 Find the area of right triangles, other triangles, special quadrilaterals, and polygons by composing into rectangles or decomposing into triangles and other shapes; apply these techniques in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.
  • CCSS Math MP4 Model with mathematics.

Ms. Richardson has students work on these standards within the context of a real-world example—a painting by the artist Sol LeWitt.

Sol LeWitt. Wall Drawing #1113. On a wall, a triangle within a rectangle, each with broken bands of color, 2003. Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution.

Students will build on their existing technology skills and create a model of this work, decomposing polygons and creating their own virtual LeWitt in the process. Ms. Richardson's lesson plan is organized into three sections: a warm-up exercise to review concepts, the main learning task, and a closing discussion and assessment.

Lesson plan

  • Warm up with a review problem.
  • Have students demonstrate and explain different solutions to the problem.
  • Compare and contrast students' visual representations.
  • As a class, identify additional solutions to the problem.
Learning Task
  • Introduce the learning task.
  • Connect the review problem to the real-world problem.
  • Have students begin work on the problem in pairs.
  • Circulate, listening to discussions and supporting students as necessary.
  • Have students view all the solutions during a gallery walk.
  • Lead a class discussion on students' different solutions.
  • Have each student complete an exit ticket.

Online resources for visual representations

This article draws from the PowerUp WHAT WORKS website, particularly the Visual Representations Instructional Strategy Guide. PowerUp is a free, teacher-friendly website that requires no log-in or registration. The Instructional Strategy Guide on visual representations includes a brief overview with an accompanying slide show; a list of the relevant mathematics Common Core State Standards; evidence-based teaching strategies to differentiate instruction using technology; short videos; and links to resources that will help you use technology to support mathematics instruction. If you want to dig deeper into the research foundation behind best practices in the use of virtual manipulatives, take a look at our Tech Research Brief on the topic. If you are responsible for professional development, the PD Support Materials provide helpful ideas and materials for using the resources. Want more information? See PowerUp WHAT WORKS.

Judy Zorfass, Angela Han, and PowerUp WHAT WORKS (2014)

As an educator, you probably understand the importance of diversifying your teaching materials. After all, it has been understood for a while now that many people learn differently.

In particular, visuals aids for learning can have a huge impact on how students retain information. While words can be abstract and hard to retain, visuals tend to be more concrete and easier to recall.

Plus, when information is presented visually, it's a lot more engaging!

Visual aids for learning can also expand beyond the realm of just classroom posters and presentations. You can also visually enhance documents like student progress reports, lesson plans, and research reports.

After all, teachers can get bored too, right? Vag 409.1 software.

With a beginner-friendly design tool like Venngage, creating custom visual for any topic you want to cover is easier than ever.

Here are 10 types of visual aids for learning that will engage students and help you plan and deliver lessons more effectively. I've also included some design tips to help you get started.

1. Educational posters to inspire and remind students

Educational posters are a classic teaching aid that can breathe life into a classroom. Hanging posters up on your classroom walls will not only invite color into the environment, they'll also act as helpful resources for students.

For example, here's an educational poster that you could pin up in your classroom. The three study tips on this poster are organized with a different colored background. This is a simple poster design trick to help the information stand out.

Meanwhile, this educational poster uses icons to visualize each different type of learner. A poster with this layout this can be useful for introducing students to new or foreign concepts (for example, words in a secondary language) because they can associate each word with a visual.

2. Educational infographics to simplify complex information

Infographics are a perfect classroom tool because they can make complex information easier to understand.

Visual Representations In Primary Maths Grade 8

There are many different types of infographics you can create, depending on the information you want to visualize. For example, you could make an infographic to summarize a new topic, to show a timeline of events, to visualize statistics, to explain a process–and more.

For example, this educational infographic uses a combination of charts, icons and creative text to show statistics about teens and social media. Visuals aids like these can be helpful for students who have trouble wrapping their heads around big numbers.

The cool thing about infographics is that there's so many approaches you can take to create one. And the design doesn't have to be complicated–just effective.

For example, this infographic uses a pattern graphic design of colorful circles to represent different vitamins. Associating each vitamin with a color can help students remember each one.

In data visualization, color plays a bigger role than just for decoration. Color can also be used as a tool to visualize information. Check out our guide to using colors to communicate effectively.

3. Creative presentations to keep students engaged with a lesson

We've all sat through boring presentations before. I'm going to go out on a limb and assume you don't want to be the one delivering a boring presentation!

A creative presentation template can go a long way to keep your students from snoring in the middle of class. For starters, introduce bright colors and creative fonts into your slide design. You can also combine photos, charts and icons to illustrate concepts.

For example, this creative presentation uses a bold color palette that give each slide impact:

The combination of a script font with a more modern font helps makes for an interesting and unexpected design. Simple tricks like mixing and matching styles (as long as they're complementary) can go a long way in your presentation design.

Presenting information in a creative and visually-stimulating way can help get students excited about a topic. This presentation template uses image frames to seamlessly incorporate different pictures of foods into each slide design:

We have a tutorial for using image frames in your design, which you can access here.

4. Educational charts to make data accessible

Simple charts are another great visual aid for learning. They can make data more approachable, and can also help reveal the stories behind data.

Look for opportunities to present information visually in your presentations, handouts, and reports, and find a chart that fits that type of information. For example, a classic pyramid chart is effective for visualizing a topic in different levels:

Charts are also handy tools for analyzing processes. There are plenty of opportunities for you to include engaging visuals in your staff presentations, personal research, and more.

For example, a common problem that many teachers face is negotiating budgets for their curriculums, programs, and resources. Well-designed visuals can help you make a good case for your budget requests.

Check out our guide for choosing the best charts for your data.

5. Student assessment reports with an approachable design

Since tracking students' progress is an important part of a teacher's job, why not make your student assessment reports more engaging with a creative design?

Younger students at the preschool or elementary school level can find assessments particularly stressful. A fun and playful design can help make a student progress report appear less intimidating.

For example, this progress report template uses a rainbow color palette, with star pictograms representing their grades:

You can also help students and parents understand their progress better by summarizing their progress in a chart. For example, this chart template uses a combination of a pie chart and some simple icons to highlight the main educational areas the student is being assessed on.

6. Classroom checklists to keep students, teachers and parents on track

A simple checklist can be a great tool to have in the classroom. From classroom duties to assignments for the semester, there are a lot of things that students need to keep track of.

Adding visual aids to your checklists can help make the points on the list easier to remember. For example, this simple checklist infographic uses icons and a different color for each point:

A visual checklist can also be useful for staff members, to help them remember tasks or best practices. For example, this checklist template offers tips to guide new teaching assistants:

7. Research reports to make data and insights engaging

If you want to share some interesting research findings with your students, or you want students to share their findings with you, try using a visually engaging report template. A visual report will require you or your students to identify and emphasize the most important pieces of information.

For example, this research report template uses circle icons to emphasize the study's main findings:

Presenting research visually can also help inspire students and staff members. For example, if you want to promote a student organization or a charity, visualizing some surprising statistics can make people stop and think about a cause.

This research poster highlights the achievements of an organization using a simple bar graph and some icons:

8. School newsletters to get students, parents and teachers excited about events

A classic school newsletter can help keep staff, students and parents on the same page. Why not add some school spirit to your newsletter design? If you start with a newsletter template, it's easy to customize the text and visuals for every week or month.

Simply swap out the icons with ones that reflect the theme of each particular newsletter. You can also use image frames to share pictures of events at your school.

Incorporate your school colors and fonts into your newsletter design. For example, this newsletter template uses the school's colors of orange for the headers and blue for the sub-headers:

Our newsletter maker offers a ton of creative newsletter templates. Why not try it out?

9. Education calendars to keep students, parents and teacher informed

Both teachers and students have a lot to keep track of. Adding some design flare to your calendar will make it a fun visual aid you can hang up in your classroom, or include to parents in an email.

Look for ways to organize the information so nothing is missed. For example, the lefthand column in this calendar template identifies the focus of each week, using an image to illustrate the ideas. This makes it easy for students to glance at the calendar and have an idea of what's going on.

10. Lesson plans to help you stay organized and to inspire other educators

Visual Representations In Primary Maths Worksheets

As an educator, you no doubt understand the importance of being organized. Incorporating visuals into your lesson plan can make it easier for you to scan for information. It can also help inspire your creativity about a subject!

Since organization is key when it comes to lesson planning, you don't have to go overboard with the design. Some simple design elements like icons, colorful headers, and a thematic footer can breathe life into a mundane lesson plan.

And if you want to share your lesson plans on a personal blog or with other teachers in your school, making your lesson plan engaging will make all the difference!

Read More: 27+ Lesson Plan Examples for Effective Teaching

A few things to keep in mind when designing visual aids for learning:

  • Make sure your information is organized and easy to understand–even if that means toning down the design.
  • On that same note, keep designs relatively simple and keep text concise.
  • Look for ways to visualize information using charts, pictograms, icons, and images.
  • Customize templates for things like newsletters, reports, and calendars so you can easily reuse them.
  • Export your teaching aids as high quality PNGs or PDFs so they will look good when you print them.

These are just a handful of the different types of visual aids for learning that you can use in the classroom. Are there any other visual aids that you like to use in your classroom? Share your tips in the comments!

What Is Your Teacher Personality Type? [QUIZ + INFOGRAPHIC]

8 Examples of How Middle Schools Can Incorporate Infographics in the Classroom

broken image